Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

My kids and I went to the library today. I had one of those neat moments when you look at your kids and think, "I am so very grateful I have you. You are all so dear." They were all at tables, looking at books. (I probably was able to have the moment because it was one of the rare times they were all quiet at once). The scripture came to my mind:
"Children are an heritage of the Lord"--
This statement is so true!
Anyway, tonight we were gathered around a classic I had read in my youth. There is a simple little sketch on each page, and I found it was definitely more fun to read it TO my children than it was to read it AS a child. It's all about candy! Even Saxton (4) was interested!


Tara L. said...

We went to the library today too. Great minds think alike. We signed Lindsay up for the summer reading program. She loves me to read stories to her, and I enjoy it too. We will have to check out the books you suggested.

rachel said...

wow, they all were quiet- looking at books?!!! The only time I can get all my kids quiet together is when they are watching Spongebob Squarepants!!!!! You are a better mother than I!

Larsen Family Updates said...

hey i think its about time to update!! haha!

Harris Family said...

Where are you? Did your computer break? I just joined the blog world and need your e-mail to invite you to my blog so we can keep it touch. My email is Tell my little cousins hi!