(This Picture was taken with our camera that has a temperamental shutter thing)
Saxton, what did you learn today? (Sunday)
I learned about... forgot. I keep forgetting!
What do you want to write in your journal?
I love my mom and dad and they are so good to me.
What are your favorite things to do?
FISHING! Hunting, Climbing mountains, swimming, running, exercising, play with my family and friends and cousins, and I love my family.
I have one of the two minute talks for the primary program, and I learned that it's hard to breathe in a plastic bag for a while. You can't breathe in very easily. I worked on my Faith in God and I passed off one and I'm going to work on some others. And I had a very good day. The End
Hmm. Hey! Mooomm. (she is watching me type)...Well, I went to church and took a talk in my primary, and in class at church we had a picnic. And then at the end of the day we were all chasing Dad and trying to tackle him. I had my shoes off outside. And I was chasing him in bare feet all over because he was on the golf cart with Saxton. Um, let's see here.. then I came in and I read a book and got jammies on and brushed my teeth. And now I am telling you in my journal.
I goed potty. And I got my jammies on and didn't brush teeth. I goed to church and I learned at Sister Guthrie's class about animals. And I'm good to them. I need to brush my teeth right now because I didn't. And I am thirsty.
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