Sunday, October 10, 2010

A plug for the new Church Website..
I love this site and I'm so grateful for the forward-thinking leadership in our church! One particularly cool aspect of the site is the study tools you can use.  You can log on, highlight scriptures, add notes, link scriptures/quotes together in folders, etc.  It is a way to study like never before.  You can save all of your research in such a way that you don't need to write it down in notebooks or file it in physical files.  It is password protected.  You can prepare talks/topical study easily with the folder option.  It is so cool!
Also, the new search tool is very user friendly.  I used to have a very hard time finding quotes I wanted on because it would bring up a lot of random stuff that didn't fit with my search.  Now it is more intuitive, and will only bring up select references instead of thousands.
And the site is very media rich.  More video, more pictures, more interaction, chances to share info through social media, etc.
And young women can keep track of their Personal Progress online!
And there are new features highlighting general conference:  video segments of certain talks, easier searching, etc.
I am so very excited and I know the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to move forward like a "stone cut out of the mountain without hands"...

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