Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Super Hero Fashion: the Loin Cloth

Nathan insisted in wearing this cape-- in a funny way! He wanted to be able to see it on him. So here he is! He is such a goof-- obviously the baby of the family. He is always making us laugh!


Rob & Rachael Heuseveldt said...

Your children are so cute! I love how children don't need everything in the "right" place to make things okay. Too many of us are perfectionist in this world (including me). But it sure does make more sense to wear the cape so you can enjoy it! Smart Boy! I love the dandelions too! When my boys pick them for me it makes my heart beat even faster than if it was a bouquet of roses. The thought it what counts, right?!?

Melissa said...

we love it! but we're wondering if maybe he learns it from his dad? :)

Sue said...

I miss my little Superman.